Toe hogar raise
some on us (sip, pay). Argives met you, Da.
"O Phil, I (hero) is Danny.
I there appoint his Ares.
Zeus may me gas, Kronides.
Ate in a day's saber ray. Yea!
Scat! Leo's hose
spree in men. My hoop is scat. Oh Guy caught a new sin.
Ilion-neck pair Sandy Utica
on a pony's thigh.
Noonday cock in a pot in
bully use. Sot oh Guy make a Louie.
Dusk clear goes sickest
high pay. Polly know less Sally own.
'Who tow poo?' deem
Alley Oop. Ermine nipple on neigh nigh.
Hose deep pole (owl) own
pole. 'Lyon cattle,' you say, Carina?
Aid Daddy guile.
Lou say 'two car grotto.' Sis, Timmy gi' stoned.
Ice crone cart o' the guest
tick. I, us, so many sip it, test thigh.
Maps! Who tote toy
on de toe Sunday tell on a guy own.
'I pricked on Polly,' moan
Polly, Miz. Deign a dame mock his thigh?
And raw sip our rotor Roy
seat. (Tell us, do.) Poe tip up pond, tie.
Ape pare car kettle, lie
men. Achaioi tit Trojan tea.
Hawk yap is to Tom on Tess
a rhythm mate, am an eye on foe.
Trojans, men, lick Sis
thigh up his tea. I hose (oh yeah, sin!).
Hey, maize days deck add
Ostia 'cause mate he-men, Achaioi.
Trojan Dan drag a style
I met, a Oinochoe, you wain.
Paul like Ken dick, add
his due. Oh yeah, twine oak (oh you!').
Toes on ego fame.
Me play as am an eye. Whee, yea, sock eye, yawn.
Trojans nine I use.
Seacut apt to lean. A leap: 'Be cool, Roy!'
Paul lay on neck Polly
own. In kiss pal lie. Andrews say a sin.
I maim a gapless deuce.
Seek guy you k.o., settle onto.
Eel, you whack! Pears
sigh you nigh omen amp toll yet throne.
Aenead a babe. Assiduous
Meg a looney (ow!) toy.
Guy dead, duress his aping
yon Guy Sparta. All heal, untie.