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Had a right to look, coy guy? Nape ya take? Nah!
He had anemic arrow, is
spot a'. Dig men I yummy day, hair gone.
Ow! Toe sock Ron
tone new hay nekkid, you're he. Come missed. Ha!
Allah get hosanna, go ape.
Pope ate homo, tap panties.
Fugue, O men. Soon
news sip Phil in his pot. Tree dog I on.
Ugarit eat Troy in high
race o' men. Your wag? Wee Ian."
Horse fat. Two toys seeded who moan any state o' sin. Nor any
Pa's scimitar play tune
who saw Ubu, lazy Pa, accuse son.
Key net head, dagger rape
fake whom at a mock rattle law says.
Punt weak are yo-yo.
Tom and you rose ten-note toast tea.
Oh roar a pike's ass.
Pot rose, Dios sicken if alone.
Host dote a Kenny, say
Zephyr us bath. He lay on Elton.
Lab rose a pie, geese do.
Nab Pete, tame way. Aztec way's sin?
Hose stone, pause.
Sag gory kin. Ate hate toy. Doll alley ate toe!
Neigh as he pay Sue on
toe. Poe, don't! Who pain hair thicken knee, yea!
He's taught a a'roamin'
Nate. I'd doll lay, lice seek. Hell you own.
Apt his thigh neon aid
elk. Came menace, a laddie on.
Who roost? Take sick
at high Ron! Now tea do. Ran on, he Ken.
Oy, cod! Day, he
am a known hoopoe. Dare you hermit a neon!
In talk,
Ken are gay. Oy, sin! Hoop her more a nose toes he took thee.
Aim may Athena in Hera,
prose mute, own ape pen.
"Oh Popeye, I joke a Yod.
You steak us, Atrytone.
Who toady Ike, undy peel?
Layin' is pot reed dog I own.
'Are gay?,' I puke on type.
'Pure Rhea' (a note at the lassie's).
Caddy Ken, you coal.
In Priam mow Guy Troy. Seal leap I in.
Are gay in Helen anus?
Hay neck a pole. (Oyl! a guy own!)
In Troy, eh? Appalling
to Phil, lays a Pope. A treed doe sigh yes,