Noon didn't nose
me Gary's toes. A guy on you get I yea nigh.
All agate I, Ken, pose,
though wrecks a men (whee, yes) a guy own."
are a phony sauce bowl, lace sex hair, Kenny's thigh.
Hide (hey!) pan.
Is stay ace on pate tone to tap oy? Many ill I own.
Skipped two, coy Basil
lay us. Sip a Sue onto. Ode a lie.
Hey, Ute ate nay a ace
sea Melissa own. Natty noun!
Pet Rae say 'claw fear.'
Rae's sigh, eh? Neon, here come a noun.
Bought rude Don day pet
on tape, on the sin. Neigh are in noise sin.
High men, ten tall, lisp
pee pot tea at high. I date tent? Ah!
Hose toe net, neigh up.
All a neigh on a poke Ike lease, ya own.
A eon nose pro, Pa right
the bath. They SS tick who onto.
He'll Adonais. Ago
reign met a day's fizzy. Nose shot dead day, eh?
O true noose see an idea,
sang jealous sigh. Dog her on toe.
Ted trick he dagger Rae
hoop Podesta knock keys debt, O Gaia.
Lawn he's downtown.
Home o' dose stainin' nay-odd asp pay us.
Carry case bone tea serrate
two on nape, ought out haze.
'Sky attack,' you say,
and idiot trap he on bossy Leon.
Spode aid day's debt, O
Laos. Serrate you, then deck cathedrals.
Pow! Shaman I clan
gays. Sauna-deck rayon nag am him known.
Esther skipped Ron, echoin'
tome in Hephaistos. Comet tea, you cone.
Hephaistos men do kitty
crony own, knee a knocked he.
Out are a raw Zeus, doe
kitty actor. Roy are gay if on tea.
Hermes day an axe duck
in Pelops. Pip lake sip poi.
Out are row, out a Pelops
stoke, Atreus pie, manilla hound.
Atreus' death neigh: scone
a'leapin'. Paul warn it, Thyestes.
Out are (wow!) death, Thyestes,
Agamemnon. Eel ape pay foreign eye.
Police sin? Nay!
'Soy sea' eek I. Are gay panty honest saying?