Just a larger slavery problem, that's the way America thinks
life means rent, empty silos & full jails
where missiles are likely to kill some pregnant women:
two thousand years of nunneries illustrate what might happen:
team sports! -- gluttony
loves punishment as praise whips guilt-and-gevalt
post-prandial indigestion: neighbor's head stuck on a stake
makes a powerful argument to a village --
we are all German Jews (!) I fell in love with
in the minstrel show
getting blacks to like polka
but that's why God invented handguns
or why puritans ate money: raised on couscous
they had not taste for gefilte fish --
prole tool toilets don't talk
female -- fat, hairy & reddish
integration = black hole: How Chicago Taught Me to Hate
Whites, fighting crime requiring costume changing
dogs were hanged for misbehavior
Fascism is the monstrous case in point:
that face could use a grenade, big lie
threat to the chokepoints I took
Pete Seeger's place a the Moscow Trials