X: What section do you want to put that in?
Y: The stupid section
X: That's all of them
Surrender your sword & be seated --
and what live chicken is the geek now
biting the head off of?
Make deal good galvanize as
polarize sum of the goons polish up
any Oscar in essence for epiphany, work off merchandise of
life's sanctification of cost-efficiency euthanasia
lets this country do something with class --
Dusted! --
cave-dwellers had the etiquette
nobody puts temporaries to
the test limbs under this law to
use surgically removed cattle organs
outshoot instead of outsmart being black
now get yours: Founding Fathers Classified by
Known Membership in Elite Groups; % of Negroes Attending
Schools in Which a Majority of Pupils are Negro --
what did the crossroad say to the corpse?:
solve me & you can hang me
since the word ëstrafingí had
not yet come into usage
Ay bendito!, captionsíd risk immigrants probably contextual
triage con tumbao sentimentalizing
miscreants we replace the old cars with
urine adds urgency: are the jewels of America
prepared to give up their women?, how affectionate do you
want the squatters to be?: risk food to get land
spills the paraphernalia of conscription
spies are free?
ready, aim, cease-fire?
what hocking impudence!
what a shocking breach of conduct!
stage mock drills shooting zoot-suiters detonate
to detune the vampire of surplus value and a pedal bass
to monitor the progress of the privileged
Watch the canisters dissolve, this is how
servants of the government die