El Egg

VI. Murder in the Stadium

" a metaphysics of the doorless and windowless"

Do you sleep more because you know yourself?

Your hate a lilt, an exposé, an opening

taken back from the drift of stemming panic.

The leavings of turbulence.

Thus, perception apes apperception.

The also as all soul.

Night is all that is sown slowly through the medium of the also.

Differentiated properties come together.

Two eyes make one picture by negating and bringing together their opposites.

What the eyes distinguish then is that "you" which is coterminous with the trestle.

You have received a printout of your immediate thoughts.

Your footprints continue even as your walking does not.

It becomes a race against time.

The film becomes a race against time becomes a race against itself.

Add-- in the more immediate sense of leaving out.

Subtract-- in the sense of building demolition.

Abstract-- the sixth sense of mediation.

The cancelled stamp secures the sending on.

I see you when I have negated myself.

If it falls in me, then all that has fallen or fell at one time, all that has fallen should be followed in a way that can't be fathomed.

If time is not absolute, it will never catch up to itself.

Sometimes you allow them to convince you that they're only "rattling your cage." And yet, when they disappear, you find it impossible to move through the bars.
