Guy Sestos 'n'
Guy Abydos neck on Guy Dionne. Airy Spain!
Tune out tour, tacky days.
Sir Cassius sore. Come, us sand Ron
As you, Sir Tacky Days,
on a respite tempera, nip poi,
Heighten ass, make a leap
at a moo up a silly yen: toes.
those, dog. A pool, a pale lass goin' ink, kiss a moron.
Tone high? Larissa
an air rib, bollock an eye, yet ass scone.
Tone irk? Hip boat
host appeal lie. You stows dose, array O's.
We ate due woe. Late,
though, you pale us, goo. T' you, Tommy Dao.
art! Rake Cossack, gawk a mast. I pare rosy rows.
'Oh sue us, Hellespont!
Oh saga!,' Rose sent to Sergei.
dark husk eco-known. In ache mate town.
We owes Troezen, know Yod,
Dio. Trap fey husk, ya Dao.
Out tarp poor Reich may
sag a pie on as sang cool low tokes. Whose?
Tale loathin' hex a mood,
own us a pox. Your worry: rayon toes.
Axe you who call his tone
nude! Or a peak kid not I eye on.
dig gay toe pool, lemony us! Lassie on care.
Ex-Senate owner, then Hemi-Onan,
gay, knows a grot Terah own.
High rocky torah-neck conk
I. Say 'salmon am.' Pen name: 'Moan Toe.'
Armpit apart in yond pot
o' moan glued automat an eye on
Chrome non-Thai key alone
take I hoop sail loose air root in noose.
are alleys, dough known, odious sky, a pea's trope, a Serkin.
Tell loathin' necks a lube
bass hot tenor guru west tea gain net lay.
on deck, roam his air cake eyeing no mo' soy yoni's stays.
All look coy on Noyes'
sin. Nehru sought a caramel lie, Nan.
Allah'd a May hoop poker,
sip, pod door k.o.'s Aeacides.
In pot Tom -- oh ho --
the pert Trojans care. Rice day, guy all loose.
us, sow! Frug gas say 'Gay guy ask canny us the O, aid days.'