Pa side wig new, 'n' to pool I ached days.  Who toll, Laos?
Paste I th' hippies, tap all us store-room mocked us so roar, Rae.
    A steed day?  'Tis proper, right.  Tap all Ios, I pay a Colony.
Impede you' weapon, youth.  Ape pair he'd roam.  Us in tacky enter.
Tinny toy Andrews bat, yea!  Yankee Clay's cousin.
At Hannah toy debt a same apple hose cart.  My oh Marine ace!
In that total Troy?  Yes!  Steady ache written Oedip-peek: 'Ooh, Roy!'
    Trojan many game on new whim.  May gas core a thigh o' loose Hector?
Priam me days, ha!  Model gay Polly plays toy.  Guy a wrist toy.
Light Tories on tomb, maim out his ink, a yea sea.
    Dardanian now Turkey.  New spies, Anchises.
Aeneas, stone hoop Anchises' tech kiddie, Aphrodite.
Edie's sinkin' 'em, my sea.  Thea brought tow unit ace saw.
'Ook! I us!' am motto.  Gay duo (Aunt, Tenor) rose (who? yea!).
Arkie low cost talk a mass tame mock.  'Kiss you, aide, dote ape,' us says.
    I dazzle Leon an' I un-hoop pipe ode.  Any auto need ace?
Often neigh I pee known: 'Tess Sue, dormez lawn?'  I say 'Boy, ho!'
Trow us stone out here.  Kill Lou cow, no-sag louse (wheel) us.
Pander us, O Guy.  Toke son Apollo now.  Toes Edo can.
Hide Dad, race stay on take.  Conk I, demon.  Up ice, Sue.
Cape pit way on achin' guy.  Tear Ra's sore rose, I poo.
Tone air cadre stows take.  I am amphi-hustlin'?  Note whore acts.
'We aid woe.'  Mare rope, pose spur, cuss you, hose, pay rip, pant on.
Hey, Damon tossin' us, odious pied ass say us gay.
Stay Cain as pole lemon if tease a Nora toad, eh?  Oh you tea!
Pay the stain.  Care Rae's scar raggin' melon nose than at 'Hojo'?
    Hide our wrapper coat.  Ink I, proct yon amp pain name moan to.