Millennium  v11p52

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Sameness guarantees comprehension since
people tend to favor the louder of two sounds --
for enough collection plate money, I'd
give up on rejectamentoid signifying practice:
donor's chit indexed Notch Babies --
it's not worrying, it's thinking --
legitimately brainless, this shit gusts...
the pit is everything:
the rhetorical strategy of humpbacks, even one as
dim-bulbed as your objectivity
always taking sides --
is it real or is it Perception Management?:
the moral insomniac flourishes the standard quote
load module as near destroyed as
makes no difference to balance pluralism
for a velocity manger -- I consider events
such as this to be aleatoric rather than
improvisatory & if someone doesn't think of it...
they're really drones, nuances of robots...
784 million Roman Catholics' grateful dead autonomy --
your ideas would need to be carbon-dated
for year of origin goofing plex
dis jihad decisionally anti-climactic, I
abused my office, a federal niche --
you need to think?: do it at home --
molehills of euphemism in communicado in Hades

Dead men don't pay debts
purged of all literary value
Christ took infotainment odds --
we know it al and it all sucks... (pity -- Ed.) --
fame suffers graffiti-identified primate responses to
opiate antagonists -- monied esentailism:
armalite in one hand, ballot in the other
beatified in a halo of born-again urbanizing
disinformation, foster parents of the ill-equipped
eyeball releases skeleton treadmill to
cat abortion justice... Operasyon Dechoukaj
in camera genocide of standard of living outshadows
the planned organization of all needs & even desires --
God & plexiglass dry-humping
the cliché nullifies our slave bait, a slur
on their hype -- you mean there's
more to non-entertainment than drone
abusive perils of gulf caña be braineater, yours
with cruise command & control doctrine, theater nuclear doctrine...
space doctrine, chemical warfare doctrine, escape
& evasion doctrine, electromagnetic warfare doctrine -
forgive yoru superiors for their reformism naiveté -
a policy of compromise on fundementals:
what a great idea, America just being removed -
if you can't fix it, fuck it --
people like art they don't like to think
smells to be born again