When you think Goya, do you think of the line of
Puerto Rican canned goods or do you think of the dead painter?
Ever since Nixon to be successful is to buy...
buy your art at the supermarket -- since whales don't buy these things
nobody wants to fund them: hay, drone brains! --
who'se your favorite junkie? --
we didnĒt buy Joan Baez, she volunteered --
Fight the Air War in Europe for 10 Days Free, recriminalizing
the retarded for their sodomy: if Jonah Salk becomes rich &
famous, does this invalidate polio vaccine? -- your idea
of culture is my idea of legwarmers for which anti-semites are
updating their resumés I did enjoy
the SWAT team to dechouke tout makout:
we'll have it messengered over & the poor get think tanks --
so how long have you been postmodern: what's-a-matter? --
afraid of some dead air?
It's hard to offend the retarded because they don't
understand you -- Black anticommunism makes beautiful better &
find Muslims more interesting now
that dialectic makes you sound like a hippy --
hey, private satellite dish owners, you'll love our
lobster tank -- a Cuban Missle Crisis is good for business:
look how pretty this is, let's kill it! --
dead means rate that mob scene maximally cool --
speaking of beasts, let's get back to my client --
now you can perform free devatation, investors only --
Hi, I'm not for the death penalty, are you? --
cops retool as compost, 'I am not a crook' --
we do not call it 'killing,'
we call it 'servicing the target'