Bourgeoise just means:
live like a king in your own home
sat on an empty wallet, and for art-lovers
a print makes a good buy --
you are sitting around the student center having a few beers
& talking with your high school pals about the under-
consumptionist hypothesis & the role of the capitalist state,
the rhythmic syncopation, the protean improvisation &
the rhetorical & antiphonal repetition of ...
denazified stem ups the congestion-quotient:
cruddy means what? --
'Letís rumble': stompdown ducktails restored
embalmers incision? -- are those stripes or prison bars? --
the 'zombification' of zoom, dolly, dutch
jemimafication venom donors keep dead schtum
about cooling the mark out
Jughead caters inadequate concentration, as in camp
aesthetic barefoot dancers aid the unemployed
whites been iced hear hate octoroons
by the police fuhrers incognito dupes at stake
turn to Serbs, flat-backed samba school V splits
who were rekulakized seekng a better war --
everybody wants to be harmonically advanced
... when the nation was in danger
and the nation was always in danger after enough
criminals get blasted skeletal Walküre
which is the plural of klezmer slave repair
trivalent life-size sultans assemble
flamencoid nonkosher freeze movement sappers
-- (if you include the escorting flotilla) --
violence, well, purgatory exhibitions fold like a deck chair
Faminology virgin ground
one can subsist quite well without
teeth or loosen their bridgework
the chalk marks are erased after you die
grafting for dollars to serve up paychecks
a jump ahead of the baillif:
gas is a battlefield, gas is a territory --
the question of whether or not Hiss would be indicted
centered increasingly on typewriter evidence --
the bombing of the hospital seemed to be
an understandable error