Roots make masters wireless remote stuffing
truth the trope apologizes
Habit-shrine horror organizes
Saunguinary superstition viz: classism, throne adjourns
even debris is not perfect rest
obliged to unlearn the bonny violence
glossed his harm headlines and praise
Forcefed crypto-
gram opaqued slime brain sparkles
to the entire mass -- would fiction
overwhelm distaste --
imagine melodrama as event itself tasted retread
Repetition breeds disciples
the stupefiers proceed to amnesiac decades
belittled ovation of the proposition with no leg-room
A sense of humor is distance
Glücklich ist, wer vergisst, was nicht mehr zu ändern ist
(Happy is he who forgets that which cannot be changed)
antics fro craw
the name tags the donor, the putrefacton of
hyperbolic euphemism being seized