Millennium  v8p40

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Reading while tangoing radium in its own
interlunar cafe housedress, implausibly dayglo'd
dilettante spacecraft reranked in
cut-rate jock-eyed erudition's
bogus bonus pharmaceuticals --
never the permafrost substantiated jihad in floodlights
a serrated glare of visine-proof messiness --
a ream of terror beam recombinants
oz untwisting all
chassis charboil in mocha pathogens
skunk hotel of
prettification sequencer over nylon fuseboxes
to swaybeat slab em open
sticky buns on boardwalk molloched
semaphores ousted tarts candied in formalin
jitney cantata & dim-bisqued bubblepop infection
kettledrumming nostalgia dipped in
angel-dust basal -- geriatricized legatee
in brig holistic antimoning seriochrome ditties
verbalized by skunks
meat ring on pro-rata ontology
of household manufacture --
normallity pindropped in
the chameleon locale beeper rimming
on inclusive cudgel in the Malvinas
larceny reglamorized
with lateral howitzers swivel out of