Millennium  v7p34

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The minor aloofness
SERVES ME RIGHT: derogatory enough to relinquish
reinsistent bounds, defective compelling pretty overdone
all the closeups are
a suborned reversability circumcised
latchkeys of response strategies could make wild parents
sniper's nuzzle flupenthixol softens
the 'crash' shape with a volume pedal
made from abbreviations a gene-pool
genital foreclosure selling the sentence

Widow's growing at your expense, nobody's hard isolate
regular intent spectacle, my personality
loaned out all its methods to strangers

Lamé lamenters, it's a buprenorphine
non-high bangs in a body to a pulp
what pop can attract sieve grows workers'
carbamazepine against craving trance in
vivisectional cooperation

Rights are for real -- please did! --
slave reconciliation: you want the finished poem or
the hot lines for archive?: perverse
shinola evolve into microfacture the tasks themselves
are masculinizing avarice by sacrilege --
how you get beyond what you want