Conventions -- are vampiric connections:
does everyone have stereo blows up
orbit word processors? -- discursive batteries
archive won't aftertaste? --
thuggy & shiftless validity claims, a blind
carbon-14 date digitalized into eternity, a
deranged debenture simulacra in synch
with uneasy sharkskin on whole
anti-nuclear genie stripmines
inferential moons to a T if our
specialized discourse had wings yet our relationship-practice
with reality is not problematicized, is
a miracle -- world globulin
assembly line at-homes: let's condo those
assumptions which broadcast contradiction, a
continent in symmetry with a state of
emergency always already
duped dummy solenoidally awful
tints are systemic variables now, without
much in the way of observable weddedness
with the perceptual color patternings of
everyday life certainty as doggie-bag
autonomous headgear hard infinity
irony without the trimmings or kill some
dot-crawl with the notch-filter
only the storytellers can specify
detail requisitioning ahead of time but
what can restage everything