If you haven't had an abortion...
ovulation detection can be taught
even to the obese... you haven't lived --
wha' you yo' dotted ease lobby tops
honey party boss up some intimacy
dummies à go-go WAC-examiners
Pimp up your chief to arouse
$77 optimal if your revenge has its 1929 crash --
only the males are privatized enough? --
let screaming dopes lie, these Don Juans
hope homophobia is socially acceptable
as my money is surgery for
your money the asshole got
wet really fast... good accompaniment
if you're on morphine, ginnymaid your
face macho slut torqued up diatribe
You only have one life -- why relax?
The tacky rights of the corporate individual's
vasectomy rolls genetic dice you smell like
an immodest proposal's ovencleaner
syndicalizing the stud -- who resists