Millennium v5p50
First print-out best print-out --
damage control went ahead
without me, a reverb mushed up to paper
jive this sonic
dripdry embodiment we're spazzing on
info no status can self-revenge --
yo, bellbottoms! -- soukous is hot
right now, rai is hot, zouk is hot
echelon relent fin de sickle coming a bit
oily dis time, yes? --risk others
to save your principles, buy a government in exile
translate suicide notes for a living
let's do it live so you don't
have to think so much -- diaspora drugging
wonder at a scurve the monsters refuse
to deploy, don't jerk my station:
only arguments have their own soup kitchen --
coathangers take the minutes & pills
go forth when Jesus enters the diet business
adults make good reps, externalism you dig?
You hear starry disco
'takes up too much space' as
'hair systems' -- handpaint your cult, cut your
hair & suds your prick
She doesn't need to have a
separate unit, I think she has a
blowdryer implant seduces your listener
with renditions of the holy land --
the dreck is dry, saying 'DJ!'
pliés per Christ
cannibalism gives it lineage