Millennium v5p45
An ethical mishap innately thorazined
love in surgical garb suitably entooted
margaritas spored alone -- nothing could be prawnier
honeypot per capita, the weekend
without end succumbing of incivility
flabbergasted stud farms, pink cadillac
embedded in prose on-disc petting
hiked-on gender incest floodplains
affordable vaseline fucking
seeks the clerical faghag warranties
contextual jeans unfailingly freaked with
full orgone box, happy ease bred
as a yolky excrementality --
a digitalis on earth, zombies buttered with
t'ai ch'i technique
Menopausal theft blurb on all this behaving
predation vice demeanor -- more tearjerkers per jerk:
litter while you yearn
Misogynist artillery subserviently reckless
new cokehead fiction sheen
on the rubberized vinylizing
deepthroat drug emporium doctor spiffs
campfire is
cross-gender low
& toplessly toniest sobriety