Millennium  v5p34

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Skintight insults maturated
orgasm just hunkering imperil
slogan in character: we add an explicit skinning
anxiety in gaudy curses I chiropract
damage to nice I've not now deleted
ego panegyric, undying monster defies compassion
clitoris sway own
image without actors trainage contorts
backlash admirers outvying, obscene
citizen skirt about her head --
can you come more here? --
aftershock hussy coy insomnia
pillow, union, sentences, communism
dragnet was compromising

All brood is local
sincerity's own worst energy
fuck-up & fuck-down recidivists in heat
twin hype the unables dote
a willed profligacy fisting on
menu flesh revoke class-by-itself
weekended theoreticals: are we aborting yet

Je Suis Partout lateral squeezably
merchandised bigamist admonitory toque
solvent greed scorned chide holistic
tease-up strongarming the hope