Millennium  v5p25

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Hunked stoolies
patois tout what
obsquats law? -- unhooligan biz as goosing
wired to be a slave with Dogpatch graffiti
a crowing leader harvestably haughty
flags sharpen their claws, barstools fly
from the mouth: work means experience, business
just to control it
vote again and again

Puerto Rico means Cortijo, bald do
battle now trade colonists for cocktails
panic colloquial puppet triggers feign
pork crowd kraut gangland
passives, comatose playing out loud
Weillian orchestration if to
impersonate a sillier city
central-casting may doctor the evidence

Do puritans recycle? -- meatwagon lottery
boxing big cowrie titties, ballots by tribe --
who profits? -- bumrush the jaybirds
rebuked flam wound
saint marx job digits

bookie sluiced eidetic
BUG MAN -- which fake
is duty free?