Trademark camps it up --
shatterhussy mall-heads anatomizing
polyester bather juries...
pillmell fisticuffs as mealplan
elbowing the lithium -- negative copers, O.K.? --
we have a bush tetra in the oven
jackhammers for wallflowers, stolen car batteries
as underarm deodorant indexed by lynching
that dipole overwanked underplaid:
get a STEREO to STEREO Phone to Mini
plastic flamingo lure
DJ's puny soap on a pope
salivaed dayglo comeback
nautilizing our breast in a shrinkwrap
Teenager + Opera = Sides 1 + 6
Lassie X, custom awesome
sucka spelling computerize tupperware
mudbath coffin -- any Grassy Knoll will do --
sucker M.D.s deplaning aloha
wigs ecto-vacational rhinovirus, manmade
as diapers collide with pop-up:
cheesier digit scuzzathon, extacky
peakaheads' trimester &
terminologic buccaneering with
raw uterus washed up on shore --
the membership votes on the subjugation --
acetate feels worked up cervical
foes of Aswad implode
buttondown clockless ghetto cavemen
with mufflers, with majority set-asides, with
upwardly mobile prices -- when you think
string, menstruation comes at hand