Millennium  v9p12

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Were he a man prone
to quote of brighter disjecta mumble
prank cash pirouettes impugned on
a pin I'm not bevy beset
dicks cool, not dead
BOUGHT facsimile burble squinty generosity
smothering the -- vebes?...
topping this scene... every pip
in post scenest urethra
thomistically spanking, to con a phrase: No way!

If aura could talk faux-geek
pestilentially speaking the self-weltering
verbs its habit --
these asides are killing us --
all the birds of faith
habeas stricture to roost
divas snake the full multi-colored
pigeon distance to represent
the complaint spit
on their sincerities equally alarming
sofa antidote as
aftertaste selling pollen short --
first, do no harm