Millennium  v4p59

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A petulant humanism, best expressed in
slothful underdeveloped or unexceptionally developed
middle range future type, I hope
I've already put you & every freedom
with a deepfreeze in a suspicious frame
of mind the social rents out itself to
slurp the climb factionalized license:
apparent author needs therapy --
whose occupation of the subject position
of the child molestation IQ or sperm count
fantasizer?: spontaneous combustion, tropical
highlife, operatic swoon, brain
experiments Y out of kilter exuberance
vamp the rage democratizing cantillation covetousness
facetiously, integrity sickens
to substantialize a meta-gaffe forensic prick --
spiritual means, what, sleep therapy?:
extollable lifestyles respazz conduct you're in
your own credit index out of modesty since
all your role models are discontinued --
drugs cannot be wrong:
do what Marx did to Hegel
in your own home loved the subtropical him
gerrymandered by direct address:
how cute can the clandestine...
anthropomorphizing just escapes me