Millennium  v4p48

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Lactation television:
boogie speech demand
a burial for abortions, those tax-savers --
all hype, no sihanouk --
let me butt-needle your
handtray pushbutton ritual
New Alliance Party, burn up --
scam in the soldering chimps --
clowns the hand that rocks the credit --
can oppressors feel pain?

It doesn't boost your confidence when
the president of the united states says your act sucks

Dear Two Live Crew -- Learn To Dance:
hipness put the bib on
its sensationalism de-borking east timor to you
yo speck, can pop culture wait
for you fiscal lambrettas sweeping
Tippi Hedren blood ghetto deorganicizing
with Cuba, we are our own Israelis
ponied up as a sit-in de-
toxified through the rye -- where's gumby?:
sirhan sirhan queendom franchise
buzzbombing me, Nature dreams of air force:
this is one culture's reaction to the 1980s
at war slush-wise, sell arab lives
for double standard votes -- yo, special
interest group the normalizers need
police help instead of
wolf-whistling me, why don't you A-holes
just go masturbate... & make sure you
tell your wives how much
better it was