Millennium v4p43
Tabloidhead deco crud -- travel spot
herb scurve up your nostrils:
Pamelo Moun'ka! -- mazola moon kak thump
stilts to fab journalese onus, not a
subtitle but a guppytitle:
Zaiko! -- chintzy chintzy tiptop pre-op
axe intercom hairdos on overtime
odd-situat' me-sheiked grid punk
tefloned assiduously velvet
tofu gradient shit El Cid my ass
adamant stretchies, microphonic laziness
kuwaiti salmonella twang perks for nomenklatura
orgasmic gastro konk sideburns --
what are budgies?: ridiculous supphose
the mimic mix scopo-grip: how many
buckles haze predicates on the megaphone --
roy cohn with lakepipes cooning his kerygmas
A ginny-maid on earth
deliberately scurved mayo queens, wacky
stereo latvia spots porous slut --
associate the Harmon mute with ...? --
dinosaur supermarket, anti-chardonnay
light bulbs on alert --
civil defense indecency slimes on beat
ice T-double-U hypertidybowl
hypostatic remover