Millennium  v4p18

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Lax rapine mars folk
bigot coalescers -- less of a hoover than ever
laws will dilate that grouper pastiche --
so the twins were extortionists?

Whorehouse fashionables: the pardons are puffed
sociable gropius lobby goo
astonish income clatter, Bambi rebuzzarded
podiatrical exegesis
cancer-tripping religion happens
to wrestlers, turnabout anarchism tricky as
creeping spiffy condescension
discounted slaves' admirable junk cult
lynchings when
the new becomes an old fart --
war overcelebrates the original author
person gentile faction hyphen economically
perjorative Clausewitz quits regularity's
atrociously stumped jumpstart

Rich people do not equal
investments -- to trade is to die
shills' union scriptive slumming
a breathless prole: existence is not
a working class, braille is
for business

The children of Abraham are Palestinians --
receptive to ganging litigious snarl:
what would be comparable
dislocation in Spanish?