Conscience sucks while it suffocates
so many flags gloating, slave riots in purposiveness:
trouble swallowing the market?
doesn't have trouble swallowing you? --
then they killed off my zip code
then they killed off my area code, then...
the R.E.M. public: coercion was cooptive
justice by flash-card -- will it be a democratization
or a refeudalization? -- a mongrelized success
story, a perfection of sense? --
succinct & socially magnetized
glossalaliacs bought on margin hoist up
entitlement market caves in on
heaven, less speech-based than argument-based --
even infinity is socially constructed
Society wants our deepest pockets
The recursives have it!
Taxcode up your nostrils, market-
resistant rhetoric ignition
Communism's too many secrets applaudably caressed
a job to dope identity
ideals will bury you
connotations overwanked stewardesses of
communitarianism: refusal is bootlicking
toxic audience commandeered by superiorist midgets,
the growth of para-state institutions globally --
caress of citizenship
Without politics, you have only humor --
which normality would you like?
Greasegun pulls up into infinity
jousting structures
splay the whole nut