Andrews, Bruce [No. 127] [Song No. 151]
Bateman, James [Waves]
Berkson, Bill [ten poems]
Bond, Harold [Fragments of an Earlier Life] [The Only Bathtub in Browning, Montana] [Weekend]
Brainard, Joe [Some Prose Poems]
Brownstein, Michael [Symmetrical Lights]
Burkard, Michael [(Collioure)]
Coolidge, Clark [Doors] [Tiny Messages]
Corbett, William [Auction] [Drunkeness]
Creeley, Robert [Note]
Faville, Curtis [American Poetry] [AQUA] [Borsalino] [Columbian Blue] [A Gross Perpetuity] [Jealousy] ["open/the woman"] [Poem ("potatoes in the pot...")] [Poem ("This morning...")] [Poem ("What is a pause...")] [A Quality] [Song]
Gitin, David [Oklahoma] [37]
Goldensohn, Barry [Metaphor as Fact]
Graber, John [Evidence] [Weathermen of Winter, 1969]
Gray, Darrell [Late Lunch at Leo's Café]
Grenier, Robert ["local road"] [PAGES] [(six poems)]
Harvey, Brad [Chevalier] [On the 23rd of December, 1854] [Tradewinds]
Hollo, Anselm [amazing grace] [a poem remembering paul blackburn] ["when off a precipitous cliff"]
Johnson, Denis [The Coming of Age] [Poem]
Justice, Donald [Elegy for John Berryman]
Koller, James [Three Poems]
Miles, Dick ["From here I see twelve stars shining"]
Morgan, John [Address to the Living] [The After-Age of Dishevelment]
Morice, Dave ["in the/stall"] [The Oriole]
Notley, Alice [How It Stands] [IF TROUBLE DON'T] [A Poem] [SEE THE BIRDS OF YESTERDAY] [Sizeup] [We Arrived & What We Did]
Padgett, Ron [Elegy on a William Burro]
Palmer, Michael [Along the Edge] [Barcelona] [Prose 50]
Perelman, Bob [4 Poems] [How to Write]
Preston, Jim [Jude's Junk]
Raworth, Tom [Beautiful Habit] [Mr. & Mrs. Grief] [Perpetual Motion]
Saroyan, Aram [Mr. Stumola]
Schnoor, Patrick [Preludes: After a Thing (Painting)] [Preludes: Afternoon] [Preludes: The Poem and the Sun] [Preludes: Tulare Lake, Basin, California] [six sonnets] [when she comes]
Schuyler, James [Bleeding Gums]
Sears, Peter [Demolition of Grand Central Station]
Silliman, Ron [ACTH] [Pavilions] [POPEYE] [(untitled cover)] ["tendon"]
Taggart, John [Cantus Firmus]
Talarico, Ross [Adolescence: A Love Poem] [Snowfires]
Trias, Peter [In Polperro] [Ocean Liner]
Towle, Tony [Highway]
Warsh, Lewis [nine poems]
Watten, Barrett [I Live Alone] [Living Space] ["the moon is in the fan"] [Natura Morta] ["open air"] [from OPERA-WORKS] [Shot] ["so fleshlike"] [Thibet] [Weight]
Whalen, Philip [Alleyway]
Will, Frederic [December] [Poem] [Two Scenes from the Escape of Theseus]