El Egg

XII. Double Gallery

Remembered me in the sense of hearing it open up

as knowing.  You make these choices and you end

up living this life. Opt in like an option in

the mood light. Meanwhile, not a specific

foreign language, but foreign "language."

Skewered by discounting your account

of the separation of chance from states of mind .

The argument is a bluff,  but an elegant bluff.

How the parts cohere is less important than

the distance between them,  which is not spanned

but cloaked by the interstitial --

the skin of it snapped like a bracelet of constellations --

The cosmopolitan meets the metropolitan

on his own turf; i.e., the cosmos.  Osmosis.

Met her match in metamorphosis. A ghost town.

The metaphysical versus the supermodel.

Got to go to where you don't know. I'll take you there.

In the here and now. Hearing how it's done

between languages.
