VI. Murder in the Stadium
A woven sharpness, but night is not.
I never thought of orchestration as a shackle unless it usurped itself.
When each glut has sapped its choosers, tighten and prefer.
Ownership comes cloddish like a genital aloha.
Hate bubbles in a frightful froth.
A baby scherzo.
What is the difference between our toes and the total?
Recalling the hook involuntarily.
Between scare quotes "to remember" and scarce forgetting.
Neither center, nor margin, nor fringe.
A syringe between these pockets.
Speed is neither eased nor erased by the reduction of the past
to an abbreviation. A tense sign.
Sense centuries. Self-consciousness.
I find your toxic success endearing.
Its grid gets rid of semblance.