Cape telly on Guy.  Hello's guide Orion.  Ain't that a Muse sigh!
Onto men I, Thamyris, tone Thrace.  A pause, an Aïda's
Eagle yet then, he on top.  Are you root too, Oechaliean?
Stew to Gary: You came on us, Nicky's semen.  Appearing now -- Thai!
Muses' Aïda incur ideas' sigh, Yoko, you.
Heidi call us psalm.  Men I parent, eh son?  Naught are I, Eden!
Thespis he ain't!  Apple on toke, I ache lay Latin, guitar wrist tune.
Toned out hegemony way.  Gerenian hip boat, a Nestor.
Towed Dan an ache cone tag (glop!)  'Hurray,' neighs Esther, 'Go on toe.'
    Hide dick in Arcadia.  Hoop poke cool lane.  As sore as hype?  Poo!
I put ye on, Pa.  'Rot tomb bone in Ann,' heiress sang, 'Key mock hate tie.'
Hyphen yond tenor moan, Tokay.  Or comin' on Paul, you melon!
Repaint a Strad?  (He intake, I enema.  Wessoning his pain.)
Guy Tegea neckin' Guy Mantinea.  Ne'er rot (eh?) neighing.
Stymphalus take on Guy, Paris, Ian.  An' he moan, too.
Tone heir Khan.  Guy yo-yo, pie is crayon, Aga pain.  Nor
Hexagon tawny own police, Danny.  Ya cost, eh?
'Arcades,' and re-say 'Buy none.'  Ape piece?  Tommy nigh!  Ball 'em, me stain.
Auto scar spinned o.k. non-knock.  Sand drone naug 'em.  Em known?
Nay, us you sell moose, pear on a pea.  I know Pop, pone tone.
Atreides sip, pay, use.  Fit (alas!) sea air.  Gum, Emily?
    Hi, Dora!  Boop brassy untake I.  Eely Dad, Dion, Nan I own.
Hose, son!  Appear mean.  Ache I'm moor sea.  Nose says Cato owes saw.
Pet rate toll lane: 'Knee a Guy' Alley.  See ya on end toes, Sergei.
Tune out Tess, Sarah's Arkie.  Yes, decade dawned, re-accost O.
Nay, yes, upon tooth, why Paul laced damn 'buy none' épée. Oy!
Towin' men are 'Ram Pee' Mack, Oscar 'Tall Pee.'  Us say 'gay sauce,' then.