He may stake Cleo's
O. You knock, woman? Ooh, Daddy, eat men!
Hi, Tina! Say, game
o' 'Nest' Danny own? Guy Goy ran (oyez!) on.
Play tune, Duke.
Can ego, Mute Ace. Some eye you don' know may know.
Who, Dame, I? Dick
o' men (glow, sigh!) deck a day's torment (a yen).
Phonied a rictus?
Toss skulk. Yond Dame I ate, or any, eh?
Aim: May Olympia days,
Muse, idea-psych Yoko, you.
Two gotta race 'em.
Nay, sigh at those 'Oh you Poe! Ilion, hell!' tone.
'Ark,' coos sow.
Neigh 'Oh nary a neigh!' as step. Prop us, ass!
men: Penny Lay-Us, Guy, Leïtus, Sir Cone.
Our kissy louse tip Prothoenor,
take Clonius tea.
Hoyt, Irian enema onto
Guy, Aulis. Pet tray? Yes, son.
Schoenus, Tess Skolus on
tape. Pole Luke name meant Eteonus.
Thespeia Graea take Guy
your rook Koran, Mycalessus.
Hi, Tom! Farmin'
a Mont, Tokay? Eilesium, Guy Erythrae
Hight Eleon ache-cone,
-ade, Hyle 'n' Guy Peteon. (Ah!)
Ocalea 'n' Medeon at uke
team mean. Ump toll yet, Ron.
Copas, Eutresis tap a lute
rare on natty Thisbe.
Oy! Take Coroneia,
Guy. Pi ain't Haliartus.
High tip, Plataea, neck
on aid. High glees sand ten aim onto
High tip o' Thebes' sake
on uke, team men known. P'tooh! Lee ate Ron!
Onchestus the air, Ron.
Poseidon a clown also's.
Heigh tape, ho. Loosed
a feel on Arne, a cone I tame, Mideia.
Nisa tease that teen, Anthedon,
not Tess. Scat, toe ocean!
Tone men pen take on tan
ace key, Onan. Day? Heck, ass tea!
Coo, Roy. Boeotian
neck a donkey ache o' sib, buy none.
Aspledon a nigh own id. Orchomenos Minyae own.
Tone air caw Ascalaphos,
Guy. Y' all men, as swee' as Ares.