Thersites, toad
doe, cop a wrist at odious Odysseus.
Guy mean hoop owed dried
uncle lip. Poe in a poppy, mute toy.
"There sit acrid tome.
Moo, the league gooseberry, yawn 'Aw, go rate his!'
He's gay, O Maid!
Ethel, I use Harry's stem and I bawl. Silly you sin.
'Ooh, Gary go,' say a fern
meek hairy you to Ron. Brought tone alone.
Emma nigh hose soy ham.
Atreides hoopoe Ilion health own.
Toke on Basil, lay us on
a stomach cone. (A gory voice!)
Guy's pinnin' aid to a
tape rope, eh Roy? 'Snow's stoned,' a fool lass sighs.
Ooh, Daddy, pose!
'A pied menopause,' says tight Daddy heir. Gaa!
'Hey you, weigh a caucus,'
nosed ace o' men. (Whee, yes, a guy own.)
Toe noon Atreides Agamemnon,
a boy many Lao own.
He cyanide his own hôte.
Huey maul a Pole. Lad deduce sin.
Hero is Danny, ice, suit.
Acre tomb may own a gory vase.
Elect (oh yea!) Rae.
Oat today! Kite L.A.'s men honest. I
Ache at his offer.
I known talky case. Some I owes new parody.
Make it a peter, do say!
Carry you Mycenae pay, eh?
Maid ate teat, Telemachos.
Potter cake clay men. Oh? Say 'yin.'
Amy, a goose, sell a bone.
Up, O men! Peel lime! Matt adduce so.
Klein on Teddy, Kit on
Nat. A tied doe? Wham, fecal! Looped, eh?
Out on deck lie own tot
who has a peenie. As a phase? Oh.
Pay, plague gonna gore
i' the neck case. Sip leggy sin."
her up! Escaped Rodin met a prayin' nun. Nay, deck guy, homo.
Blake's sane ode did note
the taller Ron! Day I ache pays a dock crew.
Smote dicks, dime motto.
Has Sam met a frien' who whacks upon Estée?
Skipped troop who cruise
you. Ode are his debt to tar basin tea.
All gaze as Doc Rae on
hidden apple mark sat. Oh dock crew!
Hoy day! Kayak new
men. He Perry pout toy head, ogle ass on.