Realism: An Anthology of 'Language' Writing
Ron Silliman (Editor)
Ron Silliman's anthology — one of the earliest presentations of soi-disant "Language" poetry — appeared in Ironwood Number 20 in 1982. With contextualizing essays by Silliman and Kathleen Fraser, contributors include Bruce Andrews, Rae Armantrout, Steve Benson, Alan Bernheimer, Charles Bernstein, Clark Coolidge, Tina Darragh, Alan Davies, Jean Day, Ray Di Palma, Michael Gottlieb, Robert Grenier, Carla Harryman, Lyn Hejinian, P. Inman, Tom Mandel, Bob Perelman, Kit Robinson, Stephen Rodefer, Peter Seaton, James Sherry, Ron Silliman, Diane Ward, Barrett Watten, and Hannah Weiner.
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