The Speculative Body

This little bit of paper that gets stuck in Hegel's proverbial (dialectical) throat, somewhere in the esophagus, between mouth (sense certainty) and anus (the fundament of Absolute Knowledge), the paper that is ingested (and made a guest, transformed to Geist, in the house of language), perhaps is swallowed to cover up the secret as if by a secret agent to cover up the key to the code (C), manducated, masticated, munched as if to preserve the secret while negating its materiality (aufgehoben -- chewing it into a pulpy mass -- a Mass, Lord's Supper), as if the secret were that this paper will eventually be excreted (after having been previously secreted), as if the secret were that this literal piece of paper cannot be digested and done away with, read off, lifted up, erased, as if to rid it of substance and to return writing to the ideality of voice and Geist, but still this thing, that pulp, remains and still "means" something other than being the mere means to an end. The code here could be related to the notion of genotype versus phenotype, langue (code)/ parole (message). The phenotype is the visible result of a gene pair which shows only part of the underwriting package. A person's genotype, the internal packet, is not fully revealed by the phenotype, the outward (visible) form. Is there a link between pheno-type and pheno-menology. If the idea or code is only potential (force proper) but does not fully manifest itself in appearance (expressive force as phenotype), does the inexpressible have equal weight as that which can be expressed? In this case, the idea might retain characteristics which can't be made to appear which would then shift the value to the phenotype where those traits or characteristics actually manifest themselves. So the materiality of the "idea" as instantiated in the signifiers (words) would take precedence over the immateriality of the "idea." Concrete versus abstract universality -- "the word is the concrete universal, the Hegelian concept which is totality" (Hyppolite 47).
