The Speculative Body

Meaning: The Medium is the Messenger

Regurgitation: to become thrown or poured back; the casting up of incompletely digested food as by some birds in feeding their young. If reading is a metaphor of digestion, then writing is a kind of in-digestion (in-itself and for-itself), spitting back and vomiting difference instead of identity.[NOTE 46] If reading is the pre-digesting of material interiorized by the mind and repeated by reflex as one mode of regurgitation in the form of feeding, writing is regurgitation as the spitting back of that material as "incompletely" digested; it is an interruption of the enclosed circulation of meaning as the positive inscription, as the expressive exteriorization, not of indifference to the material, but of difference in the material. If reading concerns the assimilation of otherness alien to one's own identity, then writing concerns the articulate expression of one's differences from the assimilated other. Thus, writing intervenes in the process of assimilation, throwing back up the non-assimilable, indigestible material as a force and not the same dialectical pattern of negation, preservation, lifting; not as a return-to-self of the other which has been processed and is now packaged under the same product "identity" (name recognition), but as an active dissemination of difference, a return as throwing back that which cannot or will not be taken to be the same, or re-marking the remains of the other qua other and of the self as other. In-digestion as indi-geist-ion, a spitting back of spirit (geist) in words (inwards) as external (outer) expression. The movement of reading toward assimilation is both a movement outward and a return inward as the process of digestion, absorbing, filling; and the movement of writing is a movement toward unfilling, emptying, disburdening, neither strictly active or passive, but "reactive" in the sense of moving outward again after the interrupted process of inwardization, instead of the "wetness" of assimilation, a drying out in the form of desiccated signs, an externalization that does not rest quietly upon its own repetition.
